- League of Fire has launched a new League Tables for Mikey V’s Foods:
- Corky ‘3,2,1’ Fernando set a new League of Fire World Record for The UNBEARABLE ONE Challenge by Old Agness Store. She successfully finished 13, taking the previous WR of 12 from Brandon ‘Honey Boy’ Collins.
- League of Fire now has stock of the following from Harvest 912 in The LOF Shop:
- Kris ‘The Scoville Unit’ Fragale attempted to beat my League of Fire World Record of 12 League of Fire Chug Challenge V1 by League of Fire. Kris successfully completed 6. My LOF WR still stands.
- Kris ‘The Scoville Unit’ Fragale has beaten Mike ‘The Molten Moose’ Jack to take TOP-SPOT in the current 2022-2023 World Chilli Community Championship seasonal rankings! Kris took on 3 crazy challenges, involving multiple brutal products including a WR attempt, in one night. Kris has an endeavour with Harvest912, to raise money for charity. He would like to raise $1000.00 and will be putting himself through some serious pain to get there. Find out more and how to donate here: Embrace The Lace Harvest912 Fundraiser
- League of Fire is requesting testimonials to showcase on its website and social media platforms. Please email chillihead@leagueoffire.com.
- League of Fire is now open for hot sauce and pepper sponsors for the 4th Americas Belt Match and 1st Road to the Americas Belt Match, which will take place at the West Coast Hot Sauce Experience on 18 June 2023, in San Diego, California. Please email chillihead@leagueoffire.com for more information.
- League of Fire has released the Official Belt Match Poster for the 3rd Oceania Title Belt Match at the 13th Annual NZ Chilli Eating Champs Finale at the 8th Annual NZ Hot Sauce Festival on 27 May 2023, in Auckland, NZ. Below is the list of contestants so far (Greg ‘Iron Guts’ Barlow will be allowed to compete if he wishes if he doesn’t win the World Title Belt against Mike ‘The Molten Moose’ Jack):
- Greg ‘Iron Guts’ Barlow
- Jesse Painter
- Charlotte Knudsen
- Adam ‘Chilli King’ Connell
- Cameron Charlton
- Kowhai-leigh Taurua
- League of Fire has revealed at the launch of the Official Oceania Title Belt Match Poster that US-based Harvest 912 and Wales-based Chilli of the Valley will be the hot sauce sponsors, and NZ-based Fire Dragon Chillies will be the pepper sponsors for this match.
- Stefan ‘Spoods N Scovilles’ Harrop has become the first person in the world (outside of LOF Testing Group) to attempt and successfully complete the Fonsies Insane Roulette Challenge by Fonsies Insane Hot Sauce. He ate 12 bullets and earned 7 points.
- League of Fire has announced the criteria for eligibility for LOF World Record Certificates:
- League of Fire World Record Certificates will be issued for all current World Records as of announcement date 24 March 2023.
- These will not be issued for retrospective World Records held prior to 24 March 2023.
- Any future World Records will see an immediate issuance of a certificate provided that:
- The challenge is at least 3 months old for a WR of fewer than 5.
- For a new challenge less than 3 months old, the WR is a minimum of 5.
- League of Fire has announced archiving of some challenge tables:
- The following League of Fire league tables will be archived as of 1 June 2023:
- Paqui Chip 2018
- Grumpy Granny Apple Chip
- Fuego Box Choco Challenge 2.0 White Lightning
- The ONE
- This means you now have until 31st May 2023 to:
- Submit any already recorded challenge videos
- Do your challenges and submit
- After this date, the tables will be archived whereby they will still be visible but submission links will no longer be operational.
- The following League of Fire league tables will be archived as of 1 June 2023:
- Kris ‘The Scoville Unit’ Fragale has set a new League of Fire World Record for the 6 Hot Balls Cheese Ball Challenge by Blazing Foods & Chase The Heat. He successfully finished 9, taking the previous WR of 6 from Michael ‘Never Better Club’ Morgan.
- Garden Tre Fontane srl held an event called ‘Plant a Pepper on the Balcony’ together with the help of Arturo ‘Mr. Spicy’ Rencricca in Rome, Italy, designed to educate people on pepper growing and pepper benefits.
- Simon ‘Old King Cole’ and Annee ‘The Reaper Teacher’ Boyer went head-to-head to set a new League of Fire World Record for The UNBEARABLE ONE Challenge by Old Agness Store. Simon and Annee successfully finished 15, taking the previous WR of 13 from Corky ‘3,2,1’ Fernando set the day before. Simon has become the first Welsh player to hold 2 LOF World Records.
- League of Fire has postponed the World Record attempt by Jif ‘The Fireman’ D’Aguanno who will be taking on a whopping 20 League of Fire Presents The Killer Queen Chug Challenge 2 back-to-back to 22 April 2023, at 9 PM BST on League of Fire YouTube and Facebook. Jif will need to do 14 to beat the current WR of 13 held by ‘Broken’ Charlie Whitmore since 18 January 2023.
- League of Fire~Fierce Fiery Queens Facebook Group held another official group event LIVE, where Annee ‘The Reaper Teacher’ Boyer, Katie ‘Beyond Seattle Eats’ Prettyman, and Alexandria ‘Never Better Club’ Morgan tackled The Scoville Slammer Chug Challenge by League of Fire Presents.
- LOF World Record Certificates issued for:
- Mike ‘The Molten Moose’ Jack – For completion of 22 x The Scoville Slammer Chug Challenge by League of Fire Presents on 4 December 2022.
- Corky ‘3,2,1’ Fernando – For completion of 13 x The UNBEARABLE One by Old Agness Store on 11 April 2023.
- Daniel ‘Hot Wheelz’ Flynn – For completion of 6 x Psycho Bear Challenge by Rummy Bears on 23 August 2021.
- Annee ‘The Reaper Teacher’ Boyer – For completion of 15 x The UNBEARABLE One by Old Agness Store on 12 April 2023.
- Simon ‘Old King Cole’ – For completion of 15 x The UNBEARABLE One by Old Agness Store on 12 April 2023.
- Kris ‘The Scoville Unit’ Fragale – For completion of (352g) 69 x 7-POT PRIMO PEPPER Challenge by League of Fire on 2 October 2022.
- Phil ‘Everything Spicy’ Patterson – For completion of 8 x BITES by Hot Dang Show on 24 october 2020.
- Kris ‘The Scoville Unit’ Fragale – For completion of 9 x 6 Hot Balls Cheese Ball Challenge by Blazing Foods & Chase The Heat on 15 April 2023
- LOF HEROES Collector’s Cards issued for:
- Aaron ‘Extreme Heat’ Minter
- Guadalupe Vidal Hurtado
- Vito ‘Italian Pepper’ Cassano
- Alan ‘Spicelander’ Graham
- LOF WORLD RECORDS Collector’s Cards issued for:
- Ryan ‘Today’s Adventure’ Baumgartner
- Dylan ‘Late For Work’ Guerin
- Michael ‘Never Better Club’ Morgan
- A new League Of Fire Presents Chug Challenge is coming soon. Comment with whom you think it features.
If you are on a desktop or mobile phone and logged into Facebook on your browser, then please do leave a comment below with your thoughts on these bulletin points and with latest news and scoops in the chilli community that are not covered here.