- League of Fire has launched a new League Table for Harvest912:
- Aaron ‘Monster Heat’ Jewells has set a new League of Fire World Record for the League of Fire Chug Challenge V5 by League of Fire. He successfully finished 11, taking the previous WR of 8.5 from Jayson ‘Late For Work’ Pettibone.
- Bob ‘The voice’ Gilbert has announced that due to health reasons, he won’t be able to take his seat at the 4th Americas Belt Match at the West Coast Hot Sauce Experience on 18 June 2023, in San Diego, Calfiornia.
- League of Fire has drawn from the Road to the Americas Belt Match contestants; Brandon ‘Honey Boy’ Collins will now be the contestant to fill that seat at the 4th Americas Belt Match.
- League of Fire held a live draw to determine the line-up of contestants for the 3rd European Belt Match taking place at the Fiera Mondiale Del Peperoncino on 2 September 2023, in Rieti, Italy. The final list of contestants is as follows:
- Giancarlo ‘Jack Pepper’ Gasparotto – Italy – Reigning Champion
- Carmelo Francavilla – Italy
- Anna ‘Lucky Dragon’ Rej – Poland
- Daniel ‘Palito’ Vsetecka – Czech Republic
- Rick ‘The Firestick’ Saunders – England
- Irena ‘Mother Of Dragons’ Legierski – Wales
- James ‘The Scots Bonnet’ Nixon – Scotland
- Edda ‘The Icelady’ Pantea – Germany
- Vito Cassano – Italy
- Lupe Vidal – Spain
- Festival of Fire has announced that Gary ‘Scorpion Slayer’ Concar returned to successfully defend his title at the South African National Chilli-Eating Championship on 1 April 2023, in Cape Town, South Africa. Gary is now Festival of Fire’s champion for 2023.
- Jif ‘The Fireman’ D’Aguanno has put out a couple of teasers indicating that he may be attempting a whopping 20 League of Fire Presents The Killer Queen Chug Challenge 2 back-to-back for a LOF World Record attempt very soon.
- Giancarlo ‘Jack Pepper’ Gasparotto has announced the following instalments for The Super Hot Italian Championship that he created, which are chilli-eating competitions for 10 Cups held in 10 Cities in Italy. This is the 2022/2023 edition:
- 1st Stage – 6 November 2022 – Bergamo
- 2nd Stage – 29 April 2023 – Monza
- 3rd Stage – 13 May 2023 – Jesolo
- Final Stage – 3 September 2023 – Jesi – Pikkanapa Festival
- Following the objections raised by N.E.U.K Chilli-Heads Facebook Group about League of Fire World Record Times for The Fastest Time to Eat World’s Hottest Corn Chips between ‘Demonic’ Dave Shorter and Alec ‘Jibba’s Hot Sauce’ Jibson, LOF studied both videos side by side and concluded that Alec has the faster time. Both Dave and Alec submitted 1 min 45 secs as their times into the League. They were hence joint WR holders up until now. A LOF WR certificate was issued for Alec upon request and Dave’s was to follow shortly afterwards. After timed video assessment, Alec’s time is determined as 1 min 44.43 secs and Dave’s time is 1 min 45.36 secs. LOF has declared Alec will be the current WR holder and Dave will still be awarded a WR certificate for holding his record of 1 min 45 secs for over a year but he will no longer be joint current WR holder with Alec. A remedied WR Certificate will be issued for Alec with the correct time.
- ‘Broken’ Charlie Whitmore ate 72 fresh yellow Nagas in a LIVE on N.E.U.K Chilli-Heads Facebook Group.
- League of Fire Challenge Group on Facebook is currently running a competition for a chance to win the now discontinued and much sought-after BITES Challenge by Hot Dang Show. For details, check out the Pinned Post in the Group.
- Portsmouth Chilli & Gin Festival has announced the dates as 20 and 21 May for 2023. I have been invited as special guest for the day on Saturday, 20 May. I’ll also be co-hosting the chilli-eating competition with Stephen ‘The Stinger’ Dixon of HotPods.
- The Middlesex Chilli Festival by The Local Food Festival is also happening on 20 and 21 May 2023 in Bedfont. League of Fire will have a stall at the festival and will be running a chilli-eating competition on both days. You can register for a spot at the table on leagueoffire.com.
- LOF World Record Certificates issued for:
- Dylan ‘Late For Work’ Guerin – For completion of 10 x CaJohns Trouble Bubble on 18 March 2023.
- Kris ‘The Scoville Unit’ Fragale – For completion of 36 x League of Fire Chug LIFE – The GINGER ONE on 4 February 2023.
- Alec ‘Jibba’s Hot Sauce’ Jobson – For completion of The World’s Hottest Corn Chips in 1 minute 44 seconds on 8 September 2021.
- Dustin ‘The Atomik Menace’ Johnson – For completion of 13 x Blazing Foods Tube of Terror on 10 January 2021.
- LOF CLASSICS Collector’s Cards issued for:
- Vikki ‘The Victorious’ Beames
- Angela ‘Crumbs’ Thomson
- Christopher ‘Fenyxfyre’ Campbell
- Phil ‘The UK Silent Assassin’ Blake
- Fonsies Issane Roulette Challenge by Fonsies Insane Hot Sauce is set to go ‘LIVE’ on League of Fire on Thursday 6 April. Make sure to get your hands on the trigger from the LOF Shop.
If you are on a desktop or mobile phone and logged into Facebook on your browser, then please do leave a comment below with your thoughts on these bulletin points and with latest news and scoops in the chilli community that are not covered here.