Brand Endorsement Opportunities with the UKCQ

14 February 2023 - Written By

On this day of Valentine, I would like to make an important announcement.

I am opening my brand UK Chilli Queen/UKCQ for worldwide endorsement opportunities.

I am looking for hot sauce businesses/companies, hot stuff producers and distributors, dairy stuff producers (milk, ice-cream, cheese, etc.), restaurants, purveyors of jewellery, dresses, fashion accessories, and so forth, to come on board.

I would love with your help to continue working hard to shine the light on the many wonderful and diverse facets of the chilli world.

The chilli community has come a long way and grown immensely in recognition in the last few years and the star is steadily on the rise. The inspiration and dedication so beautifully exhibited by its manifold constituents are phenomenal.

I would welcome the opportunity to be in a position to engender greater brand awareness for businesses and companies at various events and festivals around the world, and across multiple social media platforms.

Please email if you are interested in my endorsing your brand. I look forward to our mutually beneficial partnerships. ❤️❤️❤️